Skincare Do’s for Great Skin

cucumber blog

One of the most important ways to achieve great skin is to follow a consistent skincare routine with a few simple skincare do’s thrown in and to remember, it’s a lot easier to prevent damage than repair it! Taking care of your skin from your teens and adapting to changes as you age you will […]

Inside Out Beauty


April saw the beginning of “Inside Out Beauty” my first article for The West Cork People. A little introduction about me and what’s to come. Enjoy! For me growing up, beauty and skincare were part and parcel of everyday life. My mother, Bronwyn Conroy, was Irelands leading skincare expert, she opened the first ever Beauty […]

International Womens Day

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In the March Issue of the West Cork People, as part of their International Women’s Day feature, I was asked to write about who has inspired me the most #nobrainer, it is of course my wonderful mum, Bronwyn Conroy. As we just celebrated International Women’s Day it seems only fitting to share this piece with […]